Ingenia Energy Challenge: 3 projects advance in their incubation phase

The finalist projects are successfully advancing in the incubation phase, driving energy transformation.

Ingenia Energy Challenge is progressing at a good pace, with three projects in the incubation phase and following the established timeline. AZIM, CSIC – Structural Assessment of Pipelines, and EnaMOF have all begun to benefit from the mentorship and workshops, which are enabling significant progress in their development. The internal mentors are precisely the right people for the eventual implementation of the projects at Enagás, and many of them acted as “sponsors” or internal advocates during the final phase. These mentors are the following Enagás professionals: For Azim, Javier Serra, Manager of Maintenance Management and Analysis; for CSIC, Jorge García, Manager of Integrity; and for EnaMOF, Violeta Bescos, Specialist in Innovation and Technological Development Management, and Rebeca Caramés, Emissions Coordinator in Maintenance Management and Analysis.

All three teams have emphasized the importance of the professional support from Enagás Emprende, which is helping to fine-tune the technical solutions and validate the business models that will be presented as concrete, well-defined proposals to Enagás for implementation. Additionally, participants highlight the positive atmosphere and the synergies generated among the teams, which are fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas across the different projects.

The CSIC project continues to make strides towards the eventual implementation of its innovative pipeline inspection technology for hydrogen transportation, applicable to both new and operational pipelines. Meanwhile, AZIM, led by Mayte Bolumar, is refining its mobile application to provide training and consulting in safety and maintenance for natural gas and renewable gas installations. In the meantime, the team behind EnaMOF is working on developing metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for the prevention and monitoring of methane and hydrogen emissions in gas distribution and transportation systems.

It is also worth noting that the projects that did not win remain on Enagás Emprende’s radar. These teams are being evaluated by company professionals to explore potential collaborations and assess the feasibility of their proposals outside the scope of Ingenia. As has been repeatedly stated, there are no losers in the Ingenia Energy Challenge: each project brings its unique value proposition to the energy transition, even if they do not continue in the incubation phase.

Events like the Ingenia Energy Challenge play a crucial role in accelerating the energy transition. By creating a space where innovation, collaboration, and entrepreneurship converge, the transformation of disruptive ideas into tangible projects that address the challenges of the energy sector is facilitated. These types of initiatives not only give visibility to advanced technological solutions but also provide the necessary support to take them to the next level through mentorship, workshops, and access to strategic networks.

Ingenia is more than just a competition: it is a catalyst that drives the creation of synergies between tech centers, entrepreneurs, and corporations, fostering an ecosystem of open innovation. Thanks to this collaborative environment, key projects like the ones mentioned have the potential to make a difference in decarbonization and the optimization of energy infrastructures.

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C/ Paseo de los Olmos, 19
28005 Madrid Mapa Enagas Emprende

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  • Mentoring de alta dirección
  • Validación tecnológica

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